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Privacy Policy and TOS


1.1. The provisions of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) define the mutual relations, rights and obligations of the Limo Service (hereinafter LS) and the Client as a user of services in accordance with the applicable legal regulations. The GTC form an integral part of the contract on the use of Limo Service services and any deviation from their provisions will have effect only if agreed in writing. 

1.2. The terms used in the GTC have the following meanings:

  • Service means renting a passenger vehicle in its entirety with the driver's service, the duration of which is determined by the Client as the Transport User and for which a fee is paid which is defined in relation to the price of an hour of service provision;
  • the Contract on the provision of the limo service implies the accepted offer of the Client for the provision of the service to which the rules defined by this GTC apply;
  • Period covered by the fee means the agreed period of service provision expressed in hours which is covered by the agreed price of the service;
  • Minimum duration of the service means the legal minimum for the provision of the service which is 3 (three) hours;
  • Maximum duration of the service means the period expressed in hours in which the Client may extend the use of the service after the expiration of the period covered by the agreed fee;
  • Service Order means a document signed by a person authorized by the client, which states that the provision of services began and ended, based on which the total time of use of the service and based on which the total number of hours of service provided is calculated.

1.3. The Client sends his request for the service using the internet platform LS, which is set up at the web address www.mioslimoservice.com. Additional communication regarding the final definition of the service can be conducted by phone, e-mail to LS office@mioslimoservice.com and reservations@mioslimoservice.com or using other forms of direct communication, in order to familiarize LS professional services with the needs of clients which are of influence on the provision and contracting of the most adequate service for the Client. All services are defined in the manner and to the extent determined by the Client in his order for the execution of the service and are performed in accordance with the rules agreed in this GTC.

1.4. When defining and submitting a request for the provision of a service, the Client is obliged to check in detail the authenticity of all data (parameters) that he submits, as well as to provide complete and accurate information about his needs for using the services. LS does not assume the obligation to verify the data, documentation or information obtained by the Client nor can it be responsible for the costs and additional costs of providing the service incurred due to the Client's actions contrary to this provision.

1.5. After fully defining the scope and types of services through a request for services, and if other necessary conditions are met, LS will send an e-mail or mail to the Client with an offer to provide services, which in case of acceptance acquires the status of a service contract. The offer contains data on the price of the service, the period of service covered by the fee, the maximum duration of the service and the method of payment for the service provided after the period covered by the fee, data on the number of passengers, data on the person who is the passenger and who will coordinate with the driver the provision of the service and take other actions on behalf of the Client during the service provisions as well as other information relevant to the execution of the service.

1.6. A service that is not confirmed in the manner defined by the GTC is not and cannot be binding on the LS, and the LS cannot bear any responsibility for providing such a service. All changes to the original agreement are considered accepted and approved by the LS and may be binding on the LS only after confirmation by the Client.

1.7. The Client is obliged to fully inform the passengers - persons who will directly use the service about all obligations arising from and on the basis of these GTC as well as about all conditions of use of the service and undertakes that the actions of passengers will be in accordance with the GTC. All actions taken by the passengers and the resulting consequences will be considered the actions of the Client, who is obliged in solidarity with the passenger to compensate LS and / or any third party for any damage.


2.1. By accepting these GTC, the Client confirms that he is aware that the quality and scope of service depends on timely and complete cooperation with LS and that acting in accordance with the provisions of GTC allows LS to provide fast, safe and complete service.

2.2. In formulating its request, the Client undertakes to accurately and completely state the number of passengers, information about the person who is a passenger and who will coordinate the service with the driver and take other actions on behalf of the Client during the service, all addresses, flight numbers, directions as well as the planned timetable (departures or arrivals), for passengers to be precise, accurate and to adhere to the timetable agreed upon, as well as for LS to report any changes in an accurate and complete manner, while any additional obligations of the Client based on the use of the service after the agreed duration will be settled in the manner defined by the contract.

2.3. The client will inform LS about the identity of the person who will be in direct contact with the driver on his behalf, who will sign an order for the execution of the limo service, which confirms that the service has been performed and on the basis of which the total number of hours of using the service will be determined. In case of refusal or failure to sign the order, the driver will inform his immediate supervisor, make a note, and confirm with his signature that the service is fully performed and indicate the date and time when the service ended.

2.4. The Client is responsible for the observance by the passengers of the accepted way of providing the service as well as for all passengers and luggage to obtain all necessary travel documents, transport permits, documents and visas, as well as compliance with laws, regulations, ordinances, conditions and rules of travel and transport of luggage of the countries to / from which it travels and through which it passes in transport by passengers.

2.5. The Client and passengers are obliged to use the vehicles with due care, in compliance with all instructions of the employees of LS regarding the use of the service and the vehicle, avoiding any behavior that could endanger or in any way reduce safety, security or adequate implementation of the service, to refrain from any actions that endanger or may endanger the safety of other road users and / or interfere or may interfere with the driver and thus endanger the general safety of transport, service users and employees of LS who drive a vehicle, as well as to refrain from smoking and from consuming alcohol and / or any other psychoactive substances and stimulants during the provision of the service.

2.6. The Client undertakes to fulfill all its financial obligations to LS in the manner and within the deadlines defined by the accepted offer / contract. Costs based on the provision of the service after the expiration of the period covered by the fee are determined for each started hour, and are paid in accordance with the official price list of the LS valid on the day of providing the service.

2.7. Children under the age of 18 cannot use LS services without parental supervision or legal guardian. When contracting the service, the user is obliged to inform LS about the existence of passengers who are younger than 18 years of age and to submit data on the age for each minor passenger. The client is responsible for fulfilling the passenger's obligation to obtain all necessary documents and documentation necessary for the persons accompanying the child and completely releases the LS from responsibility for the existence of all necessary documentation.

2.8. In the event that the Passengers are children under 18, the LS will ensure the fulfillment of the legal conditions valid in the territory of the Republic of Serbia that define the obligations in the field of safety of transport of children. In accordance with the agreement, on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, a child shorter than 135 cm will be driven in an appropriate homologated safety seat, while a child older than four years will be driven using a homologated safety booster.

2.9. In case the use of the service implies crossing the state border, the Client will inform the LS and take all necessary actions to obtain documents necessary for the transport of children in accordance with the regulations in force in the territories of the countries through which the transport is performed.

2.10. The Client is jointly and severally liable with the child's companion to LS and all third parties for the conduct of children in accordance with the instructions of employees of LS and applicable regulations, and undertakes to compensate any damage that may occur on the side of LS or any third party the child.  


3.1. LS reserves the right to refuse or terminate the provision of the service at any time if the provision of the service would pose any risk to passengers, employees or its property and distances itself from any obligation to the Client whose conduct has elements of misdemeanor / criminal or any other prohibited act or may lead to such action.

3.2. The Client agrees that LS reserves the right to significantly change the time, route, vehicle or any element of the service in extraordinary circumstances (changes in traffic situations and / or natural disasters), in the best interest of passengers and their employees.

3.3. Passengers suffering from chronic diseases are obliged to inform the LS about their health condition when ordering the service and to be aware of their existence and therapies in case of providing the necessary assistance in the form of informing health professionals in case of acute changes that may occur while driving.

3.4. LS is authorized to refuse to provide the service or to terminate the provision of the initiated service which is agreed in case the passengers are persons whose behavior or condition violates any aspect of traffic safety and / or violates the rules of conduct defined by the GTC, persons at risk of misdemeanor, criminal or any other prohibited and / or harmful conduct and destruction / damage to the property of LS, as well as persons who in any way make it difficult and / or impossible to provide the service.

3.5. In the event that the Passenger's behavior in the vehicle is contrary to the provisions of the GTC or any of the Passengers by his actions or omissions endangers the vehicle or persons and property on it or interferes with crew members in performing their duties or if the Passenger does not obey the instructions of the crew in relation to violations of the rules of conduct defined by this GTC, the LS is authorized to take any and all measures it deems necessary to stop such conduct, including preventing further movement.

3.6. In that case, LS has the right to demand from the Passenger to leave the vehicle or deny the passenger the right to return to the vehicle and refuse further transportation at any point, and to take legal measures against the Passenger for the offenses he committed while in the vehicle. In this case, the moment of leaving the vehicle by the Passenger and returning personal belongings and luggage to the passenger will be considered that the service has been performed in full, without the right of the Client to request a refund of any amount paid.

3.7. In case LS is not able to provide the contracted service, the Client will be refunded the full amount paid in advance, or in case LS is not able to perform the contracted service in full, it will refund in proportion to the part of the service that has not provided. The Client agrees and irrevocably declares that all his possible claims against LS on the basis of the unrealized Agreement will be settled in the described manner, for which reasons he waives the right to claim any additional compensation from LS on that basis.  


4.1. The passenger has the right to carry a certain amount of luggage, according to the conditions and restrictions for each type of vehicle. LS reports on the available luggage space of the Client upon his request.

4.2. LS reserves the right to refuse the transport of luggage if there is not enough space for its adequate and safe storage in the vehicle, if there is a suspicion that the luggage carries objects that may endanger the safety of traffic (self-igniting and explosive devices), are illegal goods (narcotirs, antiques, materials prohibited by law), luggage which weight exceeds the maximum permissible load of the vehicle, luggage that cannot be properly and safely arranged in the space provided for that purpose due to its nature and size.

4.3. Firearms and ammunition, except those used for hunting and sports, may not be transported as luggage, except with prior notice to LS. Hunting and sporting weapons and ammunition must be secured and emptied, locked and packed in accordance with applicable legislation, while transport must be accompanied by all necessary documents / certificates / approvals for their transport, the acquisition of which is the sole responsibility of the Client and responsibility for safety of transportation of this type of luggage.

4.4. Luggage, other personal items as well as any part of hand luggage and / or property of passengers must not remain in the vehicle without passenger supervision and LS does not bear any responsibility for them even in cases when the service user leaves the vehicle for a short period of time. The provisions of this Article apply in particular to any confidential documentation, data carrier and / or part of hand luggage which disappearance would cause business or personal damage to the Client, the passenger or his employer or business partner.

4.5. The Client is obliged to warn passengers of the obligation to inspect their luggage immediately after the end of the transport and to establish any damage that has occurred or to file a complaint regarding luggage. All subsequent complaints regarding material damage to luggage will not be considered. The user is obliged to check the passenger space in which he was transported as well as the devices he used, while LS is not responsible for the items and values ​​that the user leaves behind in the vehicle.

4.6. Forgotten / lost luggage and other personal belongings of passengers found in the vehicle after the completion of the service will be stored for a period of three weeks, while upon finding these items LS will contact the Client via e-mail through which the service was ordered. In case a person does not show up after three weeks and offers convincing evidence of his right to take over the forgotten luggage, LS directs the luggage to the institution of the Bureau for Lost Property and the complete legal responsibility thus passes to this institution and has the right to alienate it without any obligations to the Passenger.


5.1. Transportation of pets accustomed to the proximity of people and a longer stay indoors can be arranged. In this case, the Client is responsible for the behavior of the animal and is responsible for any damage caused by the animal. Before contracting the service, the Client is obliged to inform the LS in detail about the character of the animal, living conditions, needs as well as any special needs arising from such transport.

5.2. The animal being transported must be properly housed in a cage and possess all necessary valid health certificates, vaccination certificates, entry permits and other documents in accordance with the requirements of the country of entry or transit. LS is not responsible in case a certain animal does not have the necessary permission to enter and leave, health certificates and other documents related to the entry into, transit through or exit from a particular country, state or territory, and the person traveling with the animal is obliged to reimburse LS any penalties, costs, losses or liabilities incurred as a result.

5.3. The animal must not in any way endanger the employees of the LS, the driver or the members of the transport crew, while otherwise the LS reserves the right to suspend the provision or further provision of the service.

5.4. LS shall not be liable for the injury, loss, illness or death of the animal it has accepted for transport, unless the said conditions have occurred due to negligence. LS is not responsible for the consequences that the animal causes during transport to third parties, does not bear material responsibility for the behavior of the animal, its health or injuries that occur during transport. 


6.1. The Service is contracted using the internet platform of LS, which is located on the internet address www.mioslimoservice.com, and is implemented as follows:

- The client enters data on his needs in the fields provided for that purpose and thus forms the specification of the request-order on the LS website;

- Based on the entered parameters, LS makes a calculation of the time required to provide the requested service and in accordance with the determined number of required hours submits a bid containing the assigned identification (ID) number, under which the bid is entered in the system at LS;

- By notifying the acceptance of the offer, the Client accepts the execution of the contracted service, while the accepted offer acquires the status of a contract which becomes the basis for providing the service and LS will perform the contracted service in accordance with this GTC;

6.2. Methods of payment for the service can be found on the official website of LS, while payment deadlines for all contracted services are defined by the contract. Delay in payment of obligations on the basis of issued invoices implies the right of LS to calculate and collect legal default interest.

6.3. In cases where the Client needs to change the request that has already been paid, LS reserves the right to change prices or in case the service cannot be provided in the changed scope, the right to terminate the Contract.

6.4. If the impossibility of realization of the accepted offer occurs at the request or through the fault of the Client by cancellation less than 12 hours before the service, LS is authorized to withhold or charge 50% of the paid or agreed price for the service.

6.5. In cases when the change of the content of the accepted offer changes the profile of the service and the service can be provided in the changed scope, LS will adjust the price and submit the offer with the adjusted price amount which will be accepted by the Client as an annex to the originally concluded contract.

6.6. The payment currency is dinar (RSD). Any amount contracted in foreign currency will be expressed in dinars at the official middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia valid on the day of calculation. 


7.1. LS for the services provided issues invoices and pro forma invoices and reserves the right to uniquely charge for the complete services requested by the client - all services provided or organized by LS. The price of the contracted service is paid within the deadlines and in the manner defined by the Contract.

7.2. In accordance with the contract, LS is authorized to hire subcontractors as part of its basic service who meet the highest standards for the industries in which they operate, to whom they will entrust certain tasks in order to fulfill the implementation of the Client's order. Only LS is authorized to select hired subcontractors, while in case additional services are performed by a subcontractor at the Client's request, LS is released from any responsibility for its work.


8.1. The provision of the service begins at the time defined by the accepted offer, while any delay of the Client in starting the use of the service does not have any impact on the beginning of the service or the obligation to pay the fee. In that case, after the expiration of the first 15 minutes from the agreed start of the service, the Client will receive a notification calling for a scheduled ride. The complete time spent on hold in case of delay with the passenger's access to the agreed address or pick-up point is counted in the total agreed time of using the service and LS is not obliged to extend the duration of the service for this period.


9.1. LS provides statutory insurance for its employees, passengers and tangible assets. All other additional insurances that the passenger wants (primarily luggage insurance) must be the subject of an agreement and LS is not responsible for the selection and conduct of the insurer.


10.1. Any communication regarding the contracting and realization of the service (especially addresses, number of passengers, their names, contacts, routes and destinations to which they went), including communication that is informative and not formally completed by the Contract, is considered a business secret.

10.2. LS will pay special attention to important data that will be exchanged and / or that become known during the implementation of the Agreement and which can be treated with personal data, which will be treated with extreme caution in everything as defined by positive regulations and general acts.


11.1. All disputes that may arise, the signatory parties shall endeavor to resolve amicably, with mutual full understanding and respect. In the event that the dispute cannot be resolved in an agreed manner, the parties agree  on the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court in Belgrade as the venue of the competent Court.


12.1. By accepting these GTC, the Client confirms that he has read and understood them and that he fully accepts them as such and undertakes to fully respect them.

12.2. The provisions of these GTC are an integral part of the accepted offer / contract for the provision of limo service.  




Mios Limo Service

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